
Podcast ‘Door de ogen van de Koning’

April 2023 added a link to the series of ten podcasts, recorded to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the accession of HRH King Willem-Alexander, featuring The King himself, in conversation with radiomaker Edwin Evers. Three initial podcasts were placed online on Thursday 6 April at 7am, next instalments will be added on following Thursdays. The podcasts can be accessed via the Royal website, at  .

The previous ‘hot topic’ concerned indirectly electing Members of the ‘Eerste Kamer’ :  Kiescollege Niet-ingezetenen voor de Eerste Kamer 

Dutch National days
of Joy and of Remembrance

Koningsdag – 27 April, is a Dutch public holiday to celebrate Koning Willem-Alexander’s birthday; (were 27 April to be a Sunday, the public holiday will be on Saturday 26 April). Please visit the Dutch Centre website for details on how to join the celebrations.

Dodenherdenking – 4 May, at 8p.m. local time, to remember all who died in conflict. The U.K. Act of Remembrance takes place at Mill Hill Cemetery, entrance at the intersection of  Wise Lane and Milespit Hill, open from 7pm.   Note: people arriving after 7.40 will be late.

Bevrijdingsdag – 5 May, to celebrate the end of occupation during the Second World War; widely celebrated in the Netherlands, but not in the UK.

Veteranendag – last Saturday in June, Dutch Veterans Day honours all who “fought for peace” where-ever in the world ; the Nationaal Defilé will be attended by His Majesty the King. Please refer to (no English translation found).

Indië Herdenking – 15 August, Commemmoration of the Capitulation of Japanese forces, marking the end of the Second World War. At the Indisch Monument in Den Haag.

Prinsjesdag – third Tuesday in September, is another ‘wettelijke feestdag‘. On this day the Monarch presents the government’s plans for the coming year to a joint session of both houses of parliament – similar to the Queen’s Speech and the State of the Union. Please see : for more information.

Koninkrijksdag – 15 December 1954 : formalisation of relation between the Netherlands and the other countries forming part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands please view : ; from 2008 on this day is also
Naturalisatiedag : a festive day for all who gained Dutch nationality through naturalisation.  see :

More “Events with a Dutch Touch” can be found on

The events are organised by unrelated third parties, inclusion does not imply any opinion on the part of the Society or anyone involved in this website on safety or suitability; please enquire with the organisers before expending effort, time or money.


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