The time may well arrive that you wish you had joined the Anglo-Netherlands Society, a truly Anglo-Dutch Club, rather than a ‘Nederlandse Vereniging in Londen’, sooner.
If you would like to meet more people with interests similar to your own, receive the printed Newsletter twice a year and would welcome an opportunity to participate in a programme of social and cultural events throughout the year, contact the Society today.
The Society aims to organise an event each month of the year, possibly excepting July and August and sometimes January. Visits in and around London tend to take place in the winter months, while the summer provides opportunities further afield. The Society will often arrange a reception at major art exhibitions.
This changed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, with all ‘present in person’ events postponed; instead the Society took to organising e-events, usually via Zoom, including lectures and a much appreciated online Book Club. The printed quarterly Newsletter in now published twice a year only, but has gained a companion in the monthly electronic ‘e-news’.
Membership dues for the current year are as listed below:
- Joint members pay £30 per annum (Joint members are any two individuals who receive one copy of any mailing at one address.), Single members pay £23 p. a.
- A ‘Country Rate’ is available on request, to members living more than 50 miles from Hyde Park Corner ‘as the crow flies’ (Oxford and Cambridge are inside that radius), Joint ‘Country’ members pay £25 p.a. while Single ‘Country’ members pay £20 p.a.
- An ‘Under 35 years’ rate is available to members younger than 35 years of age, Joint ‘under 35’ members pay £15 per year, single ‘under 35’ members pay £10 p.a.
- Members who join during the calendar year pay a reduced rate for the remainder of that calendar year, please refer to the application form for details.
- Overseas members do not currently pay the postage surcharge.
- Corporate members are invited to contact the Society’s Chairman or one of the other Council members to discuss.
Clickable links are shown in a bold maroon-brown typeface, and keywords in bold blue.
Any person or organisation desirous of promoting the objects of the Society is eligible to apply for membership, subject to acceptance by the Society’s Council. The Membership Application Form and a Standing Order Mandate are available for download.
Please print, complete, sign and e-mail the membership application form to the Society’s administrator via administrator ‘at’ and -upon acceptance as a Member by the Society’s Council- either set up a standing order in your banking app or complete, sign and send the Standing Order Mandate to your bank. The Society can not accept electronic payments with your application, and a cheque can only accompany your postal application.
More information is available from : the Administrator, Anglo-Netherlands Society, c/o Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, 38 Hyde Park Gate, London SW7 5DP. Alternatively, contact the Society via e-mail : administrator ‘at’
The office would is normally be operational on Wednesdays from 11 am to 3 pm only. At all other times an answerphone on 07401 660 615 will take your message. Should you require material to be sent by Royal Mail, then please provide your name and postal address. Please allow up to 21 days for our reply to reach you.
Comments and feedback regarding this site
Please use the “Leave a Reply” form on selected pages to let the web-editor know of anything that ought to be included, amended or omitted; comments are read and moderated by the web-editor, may -or not- be published : please indicate your request to delete after reading.
Please do not use this form to advise the Society’s Administrative Office of any changes relating to your membership : those details are listed on the Contact Details page.
Ik zou graag lid worden, maar helaas kan ik Uw Memberships Form niet downloaden, het leidt mij naar een error message. Zou U het mij kunnen toemailen?
Bij voorbaat hartelijk dank.
Dear Nette,
Thank you for bringing this to the attention, not sure what caused the hiccup, but currently the forms – Membership Application and Standing Order – are accessible again.
Met vriendelijke groet,